Click the Direct Download Link and save it on your PC before you install it:Acrobat XI Professional for Win -acrobat-xi-pro-standard-reader-direct-download-links.htmlBe sure to carefully follow the instructions given on the Prodesign Tools site.
Adobe Acrobat Xi Pro Dmg
One of the best features of Adobe Acrobat Pro XI is the ability to share a PDF document with others. If you were to upload a Word document with a large file size, and then convert it to a PDF format, you would need to save that document to a location where you could then send it off for printing or saving as a Pdf file. However, by using Adobe Acrobat Pro XI to upload the document, you can give anyone who has adobe acrobat pro a copy of the document for their own use. By giving this permission, you are also allowed to change any of the text fields within the PDF file with the software so that it matches the information in your database, and so that it is easy to update your document.
If you're deploying a licensed, non-Creative Cloud version you'll need to look at the adobe_prtk tool. It takes some trial and error to get it to work but it will provide the file to be used. You'd then deploy the tool and run the serialize flag against the file previously generated.
In the past with Adobe acrobat xi pro perpetual license I used the adobe customization wizard to create a package all set to go with serial number.Package was created and i deploy it through policy such as self service and it has worked great.Hopefully i can still use that
adobe_prtk is the name of the tool within the dmg they hosted for download on that page and is what is referenced in their examples. You can place it in /usr/local/bin or an alternate directory and reference it to generate the serialized file, prov.xml, using the --generate flag. You would then need to use that tool and the generated prov.xml in whatever deployment method you desire to serialize the application on the endpoint.
@andrew.nicholas I don't see how this can do what I'm looking for (create a pkg that installs/licenses Acrobat Pro 2020). I chatted with Adobe earlier and they said there is no deployment tool for serial number based acrobat 2020. Thin 2020 installer is a .dmg (acrobat_2020_web_WWMUI.dmg).
so in order to now use the prov.xml on a bunch of mac, those macs will also need the adobe_prtk on them? I'm thinking of putting adobe_prtk in /private/temp along with the prov.xml and run the command below.
@tcandela I working on the same thing and going down a path similar to yours. However, I'm doing this in 2 policies: the first deploys and installs the application and sets off a custom trigger, launching the second policy that'll deploy adobe_prtk /private/temp and then run the command.
@tcandela Just a quick update. I was able to do everything with one policy. I deploy the Acrobat Installer.pkg along with a homemade pkg that delivers the adobe_prtk and the prov.xml file to /private/tmp. I then run the serialize and activate command via bash script through JAMF.The only hiccup I've got is the EULA popping up when installed the first time on a device, even though I did include the [ --eulasuppress] switch. If I uninstall/reinstall it doesn't come up.Hope this helps.
@tcandela I used the exact adobe_prtk string that you referenced above when I created my prov.xml file. I had read this thread at length, followed the link to the Adobe tech page and went forward from there.
I tested from another computer by dragging the adobe provisioning toolkit folder (with the adobe_prtk and prov.xml in it) to the /private/tmp location (this is the location it gets placed and then post install script runs the command). I opened up terminal and entered /private/tmp/Adobe Provisioning Toolkit Enterprise Edition/adobe_prtk --tool=VolumeSerialize --provfile=/private/tmp/Adobe Provisioning Toolkit Enterprise Edition/prov.xml
Adobe Creative Cloud offers a full spectrum of professional tools for design, photography, web and video. Adobe Press will help you master all the essentials with books and videos from our acclaimed series and industry experts.Adobe Official Website www.adobe.comAdobe Creative Cloud Official Download Links
Extension Manager CCAdobe Extension Manager is a stand alone program designed to centralize the management and organization of extensions for adobe software. Extensions are added pieces of software designed to do specific things. These are sometime made by adobe, and sometimes by a third party developer.Win: _exchange/extension_manager/win/AdobeExtensionManager_CC_LS20.7zOR Win: _CC_LS20.7z
Acrobat CC has suddenly started using excessive amounts of RAM to the point that it is paused and has to be quit and restarted. This also happens if left alone with no files open. Having pitstop plugin open or not makes no difference. This is on an imac retina 5k late 2014 with 16gbs ram and only started happening Sept 1 2017, Acrobat CC has been installed for at least a year with no issues (and other versions before that have not had this issue).The RAM usage seems to increase much more quickly if it is an image heavy file open but still happens after a time even if a small vector file is opened, and happens over a couple of hours if no files are open.Currently I have to restart acrobat at least hourly (usually more often) or all of the software open will be paused and I have to restart the computer.There is a thread about this on the adobe forums with several others reporting the same issue.
Sometimes people have two seperate adobe accounts on one computer. One for work and one personal account. we need to be able to quickly switch between accounts or be able to be signed in with different accounts on different adobe programs, 2ff7e9595c