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Windows hdl image install program v1.7.6: The best tool for PS2 image installation and management


WinHiip is a Windows program designed for PlayStation 2 users who want to install PS2 CD and DVD image files on a HDD. It works like a hard drive manager which enables you to perform various actions such as format the drive, add and remove images, edit settings and apply PPF patch.

The goal of this utility is to increase the speed at which the image files are installed onto the hard drive. While installing games from the console takes a lot of time, you can deploy them much faster by using this application on your personal computer. If you do not have a PlayStation 2 system, you may try PCSX2.

Windows hdl image install program v1.7.6

WinHIIP is a program that allows access to internal hard disk drives which have been connected via USB-to-IDE WinHIIP is a PC application used to install PS2 CD/DVD images onto a hard disk drive for use by HDLoader or one of its many derivatives including the greatly enhanced Toxic OS produced for the DMS4 Pro chip by Team Toxic.

This program is a PS2 hard drive manager for Windows which allows you to format the drive, add/remove image(s), change the "mode" settings and apply any necessary patch(s) to the game(s) you'll be using.

The primary reason for creating the application was to speed up the process of installing images onto the hard drive as installing these from the console could take up to 30 minutes where as on the PC this can be done in a couple of minutes.The hard disk drive currently has to be physically connected to your PC for the software to work. The speed is dependant on your connection method & windows configuration, it can be as slow as 1Mb/s using USB1, 12Mb/s using USB2 and up to 40Mb/s using IDE.

Writing game Image(s) to IDE Hard DrivesUsing a hard drive to store your homebrew and legal backups of your own original games is by far the best way to go. Not only do you not have to patch the image(s), but they also load a lot faster - that is if you're using a v3-v11 Sony PS2 (the big ones). If you're using the new v12-v15 (small) ones you're limited to using a USB Hard Drive which has lower transfer speeds. These lower speeds are due to the fact that the PS2's USB ports are v1.1 not v2.0.1. First you'll want to load WinHIIP. You'll be presented with a blank screen.2. Next under "Select Drive" select the Hard Drive you wish to turn into a PS2 hard drive.3. Once you've selected the drive the option to format it is aviaible. Select that option.4. Leave the settings are they are and click on "okay".5. WinHIIP will now format the drive.6. Now you have a PS2 formatted drive.7. Next pick "Add Images" and select the image(s) you wish to install. Once you've done this a list of them will come up. Click on "Start" and it will write the image(s) to your PS2 formatted hard drive.8. When it's done you can select an image using the check box and click on "edit" to edit the game's name and the HDLoader mode you wish to use. Modes are required for some games to work. Most games are compatible from the get go, but there will be a few you will need to set the compatibility mode for.9. Another option you have in WinHIIP to the ability to apply a PPF patch to the image. Some games require a patch to boot from a hard drive. Final Fantasy XII is a prime example of this as you'll need to patch it before you can actually play the game.The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this cd utility software.

WinHIIP is a PC application used to install PS2 CD/DVD images onto a hard disk drive for use ... The speed is dependent on your connection method & windows configuration, it can be ... It is recommended to use HDL DUMP/HDL DUMB: ... Next press the "Add Image(s)" button to install a game to the HDD.

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Speed up the process of installing images with this program that allows access to ... WinHIIP is a software solution that was developed for PlayStation 2 users who want to install PS2 CD or DVD ... DOWNLOAD WinHIIP 1.7.6 for Windows ... main category: CD / DVD / Blu-ray Tools; developer: Gadget-Freak.

1 GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSEPreambleTERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATIONHow to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs2 About VICE2.1 Emulator features2.1.1 C64 emulator features2.1.2 C64DTV emulator features2.1.3 C128 emulator features2.1.4 VIC20 emulator features2.1.5 PET emulator features2.1.6 CBM-II emulator features2.1.7 SCPU64 emulator features2.2 The keyboard emulation2.2.1 C64 & VIC20 Keyboard Map2.2.1.1 Symbolic (US) Positional (US) Symbolic (DE) Positional (DE)2.2.2 C128 Keyboard Map2.2.2.1 Symbolic (US) Positional (US) Symbolic (DE) Positional (DE)2.2.3 C16 & Plus4 Keyboard Map2.2.4 PET Graphics Keyboard Map2.2.4.1 Symbolic (US) Positional (US) Symbolic (DE) Positional (DE)2.2.5 PET Business Keyboard Map2.2.5.1 Symbolic (US) Positional (US) Symbolic (DE) Positional (DE)2.2.6 CBM2 Keyboard Map2.3 The joystick emulation2.4 The disk drive emulation2.5 Supported file formats2.6 Common problems2.6.1 Sound problems2.6.2 Video problems2.6.3 Printer problems2.6.4 PET keyboard problems3 Invoking the emulators3.1 Command-line options used during initialization3.2 Autostarting programs from the command-line4 System files4.1 ROM files4.2 Keymap files4.2.1 Comments4.2.2 Control commands4.2.3 Key mappings4.2.3.1 Special Rows4.2.3.2 Modifier Flags4.3 Palette files4.4 Romset files4.4.1 Romset command line options4.5 Gtk3 Hotkeys files4.6 Syntax of the hotkeys files4.6.1 Comments4.6.2 Directives4.6.2.1 !CLEAR4.6.2.2 !DEBUG4.6.2.3 !INCLUDE4.6.2.4 !UNDEF4.6.3 Hotkey mappings4.6.3.1 Syntax4.6.4 List of modifiers4.6.5 List of action names4.6.6 Syntax highlighting5 Basic operation5.1 The emulation window5.2 Using the menus5.3 Getting help5.4 Using the file selector5.5 Using disk and tape images5.5.1 "Autostarting" an image5.5.2 Using compressed files5.5.3 Using Zipcode and Lynx images5.6 Using printer emulation5.7 Resetting the machine6 Settings and resources6.1 Format of resource files6.2 Using command-line options to change resources6.3 Autostart settings6.3.1 Autostart resources6.3.2 Autostart command-line options6.4 Performance settings6.4.1 Performance resources6.4.2 Performance command-line options6.5 Video settings6.6 Keyboard settings6.6.1 Keyboard resources6.6.2 Keyboard command-line options6.6.3 Control port resources6.6.4 Control port command-line options6.6.5 Control port and devices6.7 Joystick settings6.7.1 Joystick resources6.7.2 Joystick command-line options6.8 Sound settings6.8.1 Sound resources6.8.2 Sound command-line options6.9 Tape settings6.9.1 Tape resources6.9.2 Tape command-line options6.10 Drive settings6.10.1 Drive resources6.10.2 Drive command-line options6.11 Peripheral settings6.11.1 Settings for file system devices6.11.1.1 Resources for file system devices6.11.1.2 Command-line options for file system devices6.11.2 Printer settings6.11.2.1 Printer resources6.11.2.2 Printer command-line options6.11.3 Disabling kernal traps6.11.3.1 Resources to control Kernal traps6.11.3.2 Command-line options to control Kernal traps6.12 RS232 settings6.12.1 RS232 resources6.12.2 RS232 command-line options6.12.3 RS232 usage example6.13 Ethernet emulation6.13.1 Ethernet usage example6.13.2 Ethernet resources6.13.3 Ethernet command line options6.14 Tape port devices6.14.1 Tape port resources6.14.2 Tape port command line options6.15 Userport devices6.15.1 Userport resources6.15.2 Userport command line options6.16 Monitor settings6.16.1 Monitor resources6.16.2 Monitor command-line options6.17 RAM init pattern settings6.17.1 RAM init pattern resources6.17.2 RAM init pattern command-line options6.18 Debug settings6.18.1 Debug resources6.18.2 Debug command-line options6.19 Network Play settings6.19.1 Network Play resources6.19.2 Network Play command-line options6.20 Miscellaneous settings6.20.1 Miscellaneous resources6.20.2 Miscellaneous command-line options7 Machine-specific features7.1 C64/128-specific commands and settings7.1.1 Using cartridges7.1.1.1 Slot Slot Main Slot7.1.1.4 I/O Slot7.1.1.5 Expected behaviour7.1.1.6 Common problems7.1.1.7 IEEE-488 interface7.1.1.8 The Final Cartridge CMD RAMLink7.1.2 C64 cartridge settings7.1.2.1 C64 cartridge resources7.1.2.2 C64 cartridge command-line options7.1.3 CIA settings7.1.3.1 CIA resources7.1.3.2 CIA command-line options7.1.4 VIC-II settings7.1.4.1 VIC-II resources7.1.4.2 VIC-II command-line options7.1.5 SID settings7.1.5.1 SID resources7.1.5.2 SID command-line options7.1.6 C64 I/O extension settings7.1.6.1 C64 I/O extension resources7.1.6.2 C64 I/O extension command-line options7.1.7 C64 system ROM settings7.1.7.1 C64 system ROM resources7.1.7.2 C64 system ROM command-line options7.1.8 C64 settings7.1.8.1 C64 resources7.1.8.2 C64 command-line options7.2 C128-specific commands and settings7.2.1 C128 cartridge settings7.2.1.1 C128 cartridge resources7.2.1.2 C128 cartridge command-line options7.2.2 VDC settings7.2.2.1 VDC resources7.2.2.2 VDC command-line options7.2.3 C128 system ROM settings7.2.3.1 C128 system ROM resources7.2.3.2 C128 system ROM command-line options7.2.4 C128 settings7.2.4.1 C128 resources7.2.4.2 C128 command-line options7.3 C64DTV-specific commands and settings7.3.1 C64DTV ROM image7.3.2 DTV revision7.3.3 LumaFix7.3.4 Userport7.3.5 Debug7.3.6 Monitor DTV features7.3.7 DTV resources7.3.8 DTV command-line options7.4 SCPU64-specific commands and settings7.4.1 SCPU64 resources7.4.2 SCPU64 command-line options7.5 VIC20-specific commands and settings7.5.1 Using prg files7.5.2 Using cartridge images7.5.3 VIC20 cartridge settings7.5.3.1 VIC20 cartridge resources7.5.3.2 VIC20 cartridge command-line options7.5.4 VIC settings7.5.4.1 VIC resources7.5.4.2 VIC command-line options7.5.5 Changing memory configuration7.5.5.1 VIC20 memory configuration resources7.5.5.2 VIC20 memory configuration command-line options7.5.6 VIC20 system ROM settings7.5.6.1 VIC20 system ROM resources7.5.6.2 VIC20 system ROM command-line options7.5.7 VIC20 settings7.5.7.1 VIC20 command-line options7.6 PLUS4-specific commands and settings7.6.1 Using cartridge images7.6.2 PLUS4 cartridge settings7.6.2.1 PLUS4 cartridge resources7.6.2.2 PLUS4 cartridge command-line options7.6.3 TED settings7.6.3.1 TED resources7.6.3.2 TED command-line options7.6.4 PLUS4 I/O extension settings7.6.4.1 PLUS4 I/O extension resources7.6.4.2 PLUS4 I/O extension command-line options7.6.5 PLUS4 system ROM settings7.6.5.1 PLUS4 system ROM resources7.6.5.2 PLUS4 system ROM command-line options7.6.6 PLUS4 settings7.6.6.1 PLUS4 resources7.6.6.2 PLUS4 command-line options7.7 PET-specific commands and settings7.7.1 Changing PET model settings7.7.2 CRTC Settings7.7.2.1 CRTC resources7.7.2.2 CRTC command-line options7.7.3 PET I/O extension settings7.7.3.1 PET I/O extension resources7.7.3.2 PET I/O extension command-line options7.7.4 PET system ROM settings7.7.4.1 PET system ROM resources7.7.4.2 PET system ROM command-line options7.7.5 The PET diagnostic pin7.7.6 PET settings7.7.6.1 PET resources7.7.6.2 PET command line options7.7.7 Colour PET7.7.8 Changing screen colors7.7.9 DWW high resolution graphics7.7.10 HRE high resolution graphics7.8 CBM-II-specific commands and settings7.8.1 Changing CBM-II model7.8.2 CBM-II system ROM settings7.8.2.1 CBM-II system ROM resources7.8.2.2 CBM-II system ROM command line options7.8.3 CBM-II command line options7.8.4 Changing screen colors7.9 VSID-specific commands and settings7.9.1 VSID settings7.9.1.1 VSID resources7.9.1.2 VSID command-line options8 Platform-specific features8.1 SDL-specific features8.1.1 SDL specific resources8.1.2 SDL specific command-line options8.2 GTK3 specific features8.2.1 GTK3 specific resources8.2.2 GTK3 specific command-line options9 Snapshots9.1 Snapshot usage9.2 Snapshot format9.2.1 Emulator modules9.2.1.1 x64 modules9.2.1.2 x128 modules9.2.1.3 xvic modules9.2.1.4 xpet modules9.2.1.5 xcbm2 and xcbm5x0 modules9.2.1.6 Drive modules9.2.2 Module formats9.2.2.1 Terminology9.2.2.2 Module framework9.2.2.3 CPU 6502 module9.2.2.4 CPU 6809 module9.2.2.5 CIA module9.2.2.6 VIA module9.2.2.7 PIA module9.2.2.8 TPI module9.2.2.9 RIOT module9.2.2.10 SID module9.2.2.11 ACIA module9.2.2.12 VIC-I module9.2.2.13 VIC-II module9.2.2.14 CRTC module9.2.2.15 C64 memory module9.2.2.16 C128 memory module9.2.2.17 VIC20 memory module9.2.2.18 PET memory module9.2.2.19 CBM-II memory module9.2.2.20 C500 data module10 Media images10.1 Media images resources10.2 Media images command-line options11 Event history11.1 Recommended Settings11.2 Recorded Events11.3 Recording an Event History11.4 Setting and Returning to Milestones11.5 Continuing an Event History11.6 Playing Back an Event History11.7 Limitations and Suggestions11.8 Event history resources11.9 Event history command-line options12 Monitor12.1 Terminology12.2 Machine state commands12.3 Memory commands12.4 Assembly commands12.5 Checkpoint commands12.6 General commands12.7 Disk commands12.8 Command file commands12.9 Label commands12.10 Miscellaneous commands13 Binary monitor13.1 Command Structure13.2 Response Structure13.3 Example Exchange13.4 Commands13.4.1 Memory get (0x01)13.4.2 Memory set (0x02)13.4.3 Checkpoint get (0x11)13.4.4 Checkpoint set (0x12)13.4.5 Checkpoint delete (0x13)13.4.6 Checkpoint list (0x14)13.4.7 Checkpoint toggle (0x15)13.4.8 Condition set (0x22)13.4.9 Registers get (0x31)13.4.10 Registers set (0x32)13.4.11 Dump (0x41)13.4.12 Undump (0x42)13.4.13 Resource Get (0x51)13.4.14 Resource Set (0x52)13.4.15 Advance Instructions (0x71)13.4.16 Keyboard feed (0x72)13.4.17 Execute until return (0x73)13.4.18 Ping (0x81)13.4.19 Banks available (0x82)13.4.20 Registers available (0x83)13.4.21 Display Get (0x84)13.4.22 VICE info (0x85)13.4.23 Palette get (0x91)13.4.24 Joyport set (0xa2)13.4.25 Userport set (0xb2)13.4.26 Exit (0xaa)13.4.27 Quit (0xbb)13.4.28 Reset (0xcc)13.4.29 Autostart / autoload (0xdd)13.5 Responses13.5.1 Invalid Response (0x00)13.5.2 Checkpoint Response (0x11)13.5.3 Register Response (0x31)13.5.4 JAM Response (0x61)13.5.5 Stopped Response (0x62)13.5.6 Resumed Response (0x63)13.6 Example Projects14 c154114.1 Specifying files in c154114.2 Using quotes and backslashes14.3 c1541 commands and options14.4 Executing shell commands14.5 c1541 examples15 cartconv15.1 cartconv command line options15.2 cartconv supported cartridge types15.3 cartconv examples16 petcat16.1 petcat command line options16.2 petcat examples17 The emulator file formats17.1 The raw tape image format17.2 The T64 tape image format17.2.1 T64 File structure17.2.2 Tape Record17.2.3 File record17.3 The G64 GCR-encoded disk image format17.3.1 The original format17.3.2 An extension for double sided disks (Commodore VIC 1571)17.3.3 Extra mastering info (SPS extension)17.4 The P64 NRZI flux pulse disk image format17.4.1 P64 Header Layout17.4.2 P64 Chunk Header Layout17.4.3 P64 Chunk 'HTPx' Layout17.4.4 'HTPx' Range encoded data format17.4.5 P64 Chunk 'DONE' Layout17.5 The D64 disk image format17.5.1 Non-Standard & Long Directories17.5.2 BAM layout17.5.3 Variations on the D64 layout17.5.4 Error codes17.6 The X64 disk image format17.7 The D71 disk image format17.7.1 Non-Standard & Long Directories17.7.2 Bam layout17.8 The D81 disk image format17.8.1 Non-Standard & Long Directories17.8.2 BAM layout17.8.3 REL files17.8.4 1581 Partitions and Sub-directories17.8.5 AUTO-BOOT LOADER17.9 The D80 disk image format17.9.1 Non-Standard & Long Directories17.9.2 BAM layout17.10 The D82 disk image format17.10.1 Non-Standard & Long Directories17.10.2 BAM layout17.11 The D90 disk image format17.12 The DHD disk image format17.13 The P00 image format17.14 The CRT cartridge image format17.14.1 Header contents17.14.2 CHIP Contents17.14.3 C64 Cartridge Specifics17.14.3.1 0 - generic cartridge17.14.3.2 1 - Action Replay17.14.3.3 2 - KCS Power Cartridge17.14.3.4 3 - Final Cartridge III17.14.3.5 4 - Simons' Basic17.14.3.6 5 - Ocean type 6 - Expert Cartridge17.14.3.8 7 - Fun Play, Power Play17.14.3.9 8 - Super Games17.14.3.10 9 - Atomic Power17.14.3.11 10 - Epyx Fastload17.14.3.12 11 - Westermann Learning17.14.3.13 12 - Rex Utility17.14.3.14 13 - Final Cartridge I17.14.3.15 14 - Magic Formel17.14.3.16 15 - C64 Game System, System 317.14.3.17 16 - Warp Speed17.14.3.18 17 - Dinamic17.14.3.19 18 - Zaxxon, Super Zaxxon (SEGA) 19 - Magic Desk, Domark, HES Australia17.14.3.21 20 - Super Snapshot V517.14.3.22 21 - Comal-8017.14.3.23 22 - Structured Basic17.14.3.24 23 - Ross17.14.3.25 24 - Dela EP6417.14.3.26 25 - Dela EP7x817.14.3.27 26 - Dela EP25617.14.3.28 27 - Rex EP25617.14.3.29 28 - Mikro Assembler17.14.3.30 29 - Final Cartridge Plus17.14.3.31 30 - Action Replay 417.14.3.32 31 - Stardos17.14.3.33 32 - EasyFlash17.14.3.34 33 - EasyFlash Xbank17.14.3.35 34 - Capture17.14.3.36 35 - Action Replay 317.14.3.37 36 - Retro Replay17.14.3.38 37 - MMC6417.14.3.39 38 - MMC Replay17.14.3.40 39 - IDE6417.14.3.41 40 - Super Snapshot V417.14.3.42 41 - IEEE-48817.14.3.43 42 - Game Killer17.14.3.44 43 - Prophet6417.14.3.45 44 - EXOS17.14.3.46 45 - Freeze Frame17.14.3.47 46 - Freeze Machine17.14.3.48 47 - Snapshot 6417.14.3.49 48 - Super Explode V5. 49 - Magic Voice17.14.3.51 50 - Action Replay 51 - MACH 517.14.3.53 52 - Diashow maker17.14.3.54 53 - Pagefox17.14.3.55 54 - Kingsoft17.14.3.56 55 - Silverrock 12817.14.3.57 56 - Formel 6417.14.3.58 57 - RGCD17.14.3.59 58 - RR-Net MK317.14.3.60 59 - EasyCalc17.14.3.61 60 - GMod217.14.3.62 61 - MAX Basic17.14.3.63 62 - GMod317.14.3.64 63 - ZIPP-CODE 4817.14.3.65 64 - Blackbox V817.14.3.66 65 - Blackbox V317.14.3.67 66 - Blackbox V417.14.3.68 67 - REX RAM-Floppy17.14.3.69 68 - BIS-Plus Cartridge17.14.3.70 69 - SD-BOX17.14.3.71 70 - MultiMAX17.14.3.72 71 - Blackbox V917.14.3.73 72 - Lt. Kernal Host Adaptor17.14.3.74 73 - RAMLink17.14.3.75 74 - Drean17.14.3.76 75 - IEEE Flash! 6417.14.3.77 76 - Turtle Graphics II17.14.3.78 77 - Freeze Frame MK217.14.3.79 78 - Partner 6417.14.4 C128 Cartridge Specifics17.14.4.1 0 - generic (external Function ROM) 1 - Warpspeed12817.14.4.3 2 - Partner 12817.14.4.4 3 - Comal 8017.14.4.5 4 - Magic Desk 12817.14.4.6 5 - Gmod2-C12817.14.5 VIC20 Cartridge Specifics17.14.5.1 0 - generic cartridge17.14.5.2 1 - Mega-Cart17.14.5.3 2 - Behr Bonz17.14.5.4 3 - Vic Flash Plugin17.14.5.5 4 - UltiMem17.14.5.6 5 - Final Expansion17.14.6 PLUS4 Cartridge Specifics17.14.6.1 0 - generic cartridge17.14.6.2 1 - c264 magic cart17.14.6.3 2 - Plus4 multi cart17.14.6.4 3 - 1MB Cartridge17.14.7 CBM2 Cartridge Specifics17.14.7.1 0 - generic cartridge17.15 The PSID image format for ripped SID tunes17.15.1 The SID file header v117.15.2 The SID file header v2, v3 and v417.15.3 The SID file environment17.16 The Swaplist (.vfl, .lst) file format17.16.1 general17.16.2 extensions17.16.2.1 VICE17.16.2.2 sd2iec17.16.2.3 Chameleon17.16.2.4 pi154117.16.3 Examples18 Acknowledgments19 Copyright20 Contact information20.1 VICE home page20.2 How to send feedback20.3 How to contributeConcept IndexIndex of ResourcesIndex of Command-line optionsThis document was generated on 24 December 2022 using a slightly modified version of thetexi2htmltranslator version 1.52. 2ff7e9595c


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